The National Chamber of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Panama (CNPA), the International Fisheries Foundation (Fipesca) and the Seafarers Fishermen Union (SUMP) expressed their deep concern about the negative effects that the forthcoming application of Resolution No. 106- 086-DGMM.
The aforementioned resolution, issued by the Merchant Marine Directorate of the Panama Maritime Authority, is the main concern of the sector, who warn that the so-called VMS (vessel monitoring system) already exist, which are controlled by the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama (ARAP).
As these mechanisms exist for the monitoring of vessels, the country’s fishing organizations ensure that the AMP resolution “undermines the economic development of the industry and its activities.”
The adoption of an automatic identification system, as the resolution points out, “creates the opportunity for anyone, in good faith or bad faith, to have real-time location information of our vessels, putting the physical and economic integrity of the crew at risk.” , the ship and the cargo”, say the union members.
In addition, they maintain that the use of this location system “undermines economic competition in commercial matters, since it will be available to any competing company, which will have information on the vessels, areas or fishing grounds.
This situation allows these people to obtain benefits from fisheries management organizations “from information that has confidential treatment”, because it is “privileged information and inherent to each vessel about its catches and commercial activities”, they highlighted.
The members of the country’s fishing industry request an urgent meeting with the director of the AMP Merchant Marine, Rafael Cigarruista, as well as with ARAP personnel, given that the resolution came into effect on Friday, June 30.