The District Comptroller found tax findings for $7,760,864,467 after an audit process to the District Health Financial Fund.
The first has to do with the contact center service contract for the operation of three service lines: 1. Appointment assignment line and special campaigns, 2. Health line for all (options 1 and 2) and 3. Line 106.
The contract, which started July 1, 2021and has an execution period of 18 months, is for a value, after two additions, of $45,134 million, of which 93.95% corresponds to the Appointment Assignment Line.
“And it is precisely about the deficiency in the management of this service, formerly known as the District Call Center, and the coordination of actions to comply with the availability of agendas, that this control body has drawn attention” said the control entity .
Due to this, the Comptroller established that the change of modality (from Call Center to Contact Center) generated an increase in the average cost per month for assigning appointments, going from $1,027,783,281 to $2,344,709,285.
The foregoing would have generated a tax finding for $7,638,040,951. Another finding was recorded in the amount of $113,400,000, for the purchase of mechanical fans without verifying compliance with the requirements by the contractor.