In the midst of the power dispute with Milei, the PRO He tries to show strength and assures that “he doesn’t stop.” Despite facing two fronts of open conflict: the fight with the Government for a future electoral alliance that has not yet been closed.
The internal power dispute led by Patricia Bullrich, the party headed by Mauricio Macri hides strength and tries to bring peace of mind to its electorate: “There is PRO for a while.”
Through a statement with a clear political tone published on the social network “We will continue defending the causes that represent us, even if the Government does not support them. Because he PRO “It doesn’t stop,” he highlighted.
In addition to being an internally emboldened message, the party’s official text also functions as a self-praise that aims to show Javier Milei’s government the contribution that the yellows made to governability.
“No governor or mayor left the PROand our legislative bloc remains solid and united, promoting profound changes such as the Base Law, supporting key decrees and contributing to overcoming the current crisis,” the text indicates.
He even uses the mileista verb to say that there are common objectives: “We fulfill the mandate to defend the Republic, reduce the deficit and make way for freedom.” With the same discursive echo, they added that their “essential struggles” are also “fighting mafias, achieving fiscal balance and putting an end to the privileges that slow down the development of the country.”
The same thing that Milei repeats over and over again. “This commitment to the country demonstrates our responsibility and vocation to build a better future. Today we remain firm,” adds the statement that does not bear a signature but was issued with the blessing of the leadership of the National Council, chaired by the former president, followed by the former governor María Eugenia Vidal and the deputy Diego Santilli, splashed in a scandal after that it was discovered that it has companies in tax havens.
The tone used in the message is the same one that the head of the Buenos Aires government, Jorge Macri, tried to convey last night: “The PRO “It has life,” he emphasized during an interview on C5N during which he asked LLA sideways to “negotiate and agree” but “without imposing conditions” beforehand.
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