The firefly season has arrived at the Magical Town of Tlalpujahua in Michoacán, for this reason the “El Llanito” sanctuary, which includes the ecotourism sites: Los Ailes, Juanikua and San Vicente, will remain in operation until August when the sighting period of this beautiful species ends. .
During past years this activity had an unexpected impact, as hundreds of tourists gathered to live the experience of firefly sightings, for this reason, there are many expectations about the reopening of these parks where you can enjoy a natural spectacle without equal. In addition, to provide better service to tourists, the municipality conducted training for guides and service providers.
It should be remembered that in order to take care of the natural spaces where the fireflies complete their mating stage and serve as their home, the park has strict measures for the entry of visitors such as: keep silent, do not generate or carry garbage and do not use lamps.
The sanctuaries of the fireflies are extensions of forest land, which have good environmental health conditions; these sites are limited in space and the fireflies are in the ground and air in constant movement, these places must have a permanent program of environmental education and regulations to conserve the habitat of local species.
Tlalpujahua is an ideal lodging place for fireflies. They develop in humid environments, near healthy bodies of water; each species shines and flies in a single specific season of the year, they are part of the food chain of their habitat, since they are important predators of insects and molluscs.
It should not be forgotten that all those who wish to visit the sanctuary will also be able to enjoy various tourist attractions in Tlalpujahua such as: its local gastronomy, visiting sphere and quarry carving workshops, knowing its 3-Star mine, visiting its temples, or discover its magnificent architecture and history.