A fire affected this Monday the municipal landfill of Mochain the Espaillat province, without the authorities reporting on people affected by the smoke.
The incident produced in the garbage dump, located in the Los López III sector, was suffocated by units of the Fire Department. The relief agency received assistance from its colleagues from other towns in the province.
Tank trucks from the Aqueduct and Sewerage Corporation also participated in the extinction of the flames. Mocha (Coramoca).
Miguel Guarocuya Cabral, mayor of the municipality of the Espaillat province, said that thanks to the rapid intervention they managed to put out the flames.
He asked the Central Government to expedite the construction of a collection center for the transfer of solid waste produced in that municipality.
“As a representative of the municipal authorities, we extend the need for us to move in that direction,” said the municipal executive.
The incident is being investigated by technicians from the Fire Department and agents from the National Police to determine if the fire It was caused by “criminal hands” or it arose from the high temperatures that have been recorded in recent days.
ask for its closure
Behind the firerepresentatives of various social and popular organizations demanded that the authorities fulfill the promise to close the garbage dump that operates under the open sky in Mocha.
They recalled that this is a commitment assumed by the current state management, as well as municipal.
Juan Comprés, from the popular movement Los Peregrinos de Mochaassured that the garbage dump has become in recent years a source of contamination and transmission of diseases to the inhabitants of the different communities, today being a great health concern throughout the municipality.