According to Dane figures, in the first quarter of 2022, unemployment among men stood at 10.4% and among women, the percentage stood at more than 17%. However, the labor market has been gradually improving after the country’s economic recovery after the pandemic.
(Claro opens 200 vacancies for commercial advisors).
In this sense, Adecco, a leading multinational in Human Resources solutions, has more than 6,000 vacancies at the national level to which you can apply through the company’s employment portal.
The vacancies available are found in more than 40 cities and municipalities in the country, among which Bogotá has almost 3,000.
(Job vacancies open for operational areas and general services).
There are 19 different sectors with opportunities, among which the following stand out:
● Wholesale and retail trade
● Administrative and support services activities
● Manufacturing industry
● Financial and insurance activities
● Information and communications
● Transportation and storage
● Education
● Agriculture, livestock, hunting, forestry and fishing