The Multiple Purpose Survey (EPM), which included the analysis of emerging issues such as euthanasia, the recreational use of cannabis, abortion, comprehensive sexual education in schools, the union of same-sex couples and the approval of adoption of minors of age by these couples, was carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), of the Comptroller General of the Republic, carried out during April 2022.
“The new topics were incorporated into statistical research due to the relevance they have today in the sphere of social discussion in the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region and in the entire world, which generate a public debate. from the perspective of human rights”, explained Comptroller Gerardo Solís.
The random statistical sample reached 16,324 dwellings, of which 15,332 are located in urban (8,878) and rural (6,454) areas and 992 in indigenous comarcas. In total, 30,554 people were interviewed.
The statistical study showed that 49% of citizens disagree with the approval of laws that promote euthanasia and 37% agreed.
88% of those surveyed disagreed with the use of Cannabis (marijuana) for recreational purposes, only 7% agreed with the approval of a law that allows its use for recreational purposes.
Regarding abortion, 76% said they disagreed with the modification of the current law to allow abortion for any reason, giving women the option to decide.
Regarding the topic of Comprehensive Sexual Education to be taught in schools with the guidelines developed by the Ministry of Education (Meduca), 70% of those interviewed agreed.
Another topic analyzed was that referring to the LGTBTIQ+ community, where 57% of those interviewed consider that they have the same rights as the rest of the citizenry. Regarding the legalization of the same-sex union, 77% stated that they do not agree; and with regard to same-sex couples being allowed to adopt minors, 80% disagreed and only 11% agreed.