The Plenary of Congress unanimously approved the opinion that approves the recognition bonus for contributors and ex-contributors of the ONP who have decided or decide to switch to the AFP.
The date on which transfers can be made is set by supreme decree “endorsed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.”
Within a period of no more than 12 months from the publication of the law, the Recognition Bond is issued for workers affiliated with the National Pension System who opt or opted to join the Private Pension System from 2002.
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“The Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS) establishes the necessary procedures and guidance with the Pension Fund Administrators, so that members are aware of and can make effective their right to the Recognition Bonus provided in this law” , refers to the opinion.
The face value of the bond will be in accordance with the consumer price indices for Metropolitan Lima. In addition, the deposit will be made to the Individual Capitalization Account at the request of the interested party.
In Congress they estimate that this measure will benefit more than 115,000 people and that it will mean a cost of S/752 million.