The Minister of Education, Milton Ribeiro, speaks today (9) about the increase in basic education teachers’ salary floor across Brazil. Program interviewee The Voice of Brazil, Ribeiro will also clarify the rules for debt renegotiation of the Student Financing Program (FIES) of the federal government. President Jair Bolsonaro had already advanced, last week, the initiative to facilitate the repayment of program debts. Milton Ribeiro should also speak about the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and the Valorization of Education Professionals (Fundeb) and other initiatives and plans of the portfolio for 2022.
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Highlights of the day:
Decree reformulates the Literate Brazil Program
With the objective of establishing new cycles of execution to guarantee the universalization of literacy among the population aged 15 and over, throughout the national territory, the President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro edited Decree No. .
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SP announces 40,000 professional qualification vacancies for young people
The government of São Paulo has opened 40,000 places in professional qualification courses for young people aged between 14 and 24, with complete elementary education. Classes must start on March 14th.
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São Paulo literacy room with more than 30 students will have two teachers
Classrooms for the 1st year of public elementary education in the state of São Paulo that have more than 30 students will have two teachers. The announcement was made today (9), at a press conference, by the state education secretary, Rossieli Soares.
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*Updated article.