The recent announcement by the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric, has brought hope to thousands of families affected by the climate emergency in the south-central zone of the country. A Basic Emergency Sheet has been implemented (FIBE), which will serve as a cadastre to identify those families that require help and will allow granting an economic benefit to cover repair costs.
The FIBE consists of a form that will be carried out by public officials, who will go to the homes and regions affected by floods to apply the survey. It is important to note that only a person over 18 years of age and who is part of the affected family group may complete the form.
The question that many ask themselves is: in which communes will the Sheet be applied? FIBE? As indicated by the president, the document will grant benefits to some families in the regions of Valparaíso and Ñuble. Next, we present the details of the communes:
- Region from Valparaíso: Los Andes, San Felipe, San Esteban, Panquehue, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Llayllay and Catemu.
- Metropolitan Region: El Monte, San Bernardo, Paine, Melipilla, Talagante, San José de Maipo, Pirque and Pudahuel.
- O’Higgins Region: Santa Cruz, Pichidegua, Peumo, Rengo, Placilla, Palmilla and Quinta de Tilcoco.
- Maule Region: Licantén, Parral, Constitución, Colbún, Retiro, Hualañé, Chanco and Maule.
- Ñuble Region: San Nicolás, San Carlos, Quillón, Chillán, Ñiquén and Treguaco.
- Biobío Region: Arauco, Concepción, Hualqui, Laja, Antuco, Tucapel, Quilaco, San Pedro de la Paz, Santa Juana, Tomé, Cabrero, Quilleco, Los Ángeles, Mulchén, Negrete and Yumbel.
These communes have been selected due to the magnitude of the damage suffered by the floods and other consequences of the climatic emergency. The implementation of the FIBE It is an important step to provide support to the affected communities and contribute to their speedy recovery in the midst of this difficult climate situation they are facing.