This Thursday, August 25, within the framework of the day of the Declaration of Independence, the Broad Front celebrated, as every year, the day of the Base Committee throughout the country. An instance of “celebration, discussion and construction for the entire political force.”
In this framework, Fernando Pereira spread a message through social networks, in which he stated that it is a very important day for all the militants of the Frente Amplio. “August 25 is the day we meet in assemblies in each place to reflect on the future, to elect the direction of the Committee, to feel fraternal, to feel close, but above all to think about the future.”
“Thanks to the militant effort, the campaign began: ‘The Front Listens to You’, in which 14 departments have been visited and more than 800 meetings have been held with trade union, social, cultural, agricultural, production, and cultural organizations. “, said.
Pereira stated that this has served the Broad Front to “gather a lot of information” about what is happening in society, but also to look at the FA from another side and how others see it.
He said that the FA Program Commission “is touring throughout the country and there is the strengthening of the Interior Commission, the Culture Commission has begun to work and the traditional commissions have made an enormous effort to relocate the Front Wide in the center of the national scene”.
Around 2050
“The Broad Front that we need is the one that is with the people, that understands the needs, that dialogues, listens, attends and then speaks,” he said.
He added: “The Broad Front that thinks, reflects and then acts. That it has to build those ideas of the future that develop the Broad Front of 2050”.
He stressed that the goal of reaching 500 base committees is very present. “We are happy to see how committees are beginning to be set up in Durazno, Tacuarembó, Montevideo, reopening committees that were closed, and it is possible to ensure that by December 2023, those 500 committees will be open, functioning, full of energy. , ideas and wishes.
“The fundamental thing for this task is you, brothers and sisters, then we will have a robust Broad Front ahead, full of values,” Pereira pointed out.