President Alberto Fernández signed decree 758/22 by which a “food reinforcement for adults without income” of 45,000 pesos is implemented in two payments that will be granted to people who are in a situation of “extreme vulnerability”, sources reported. officers.
For the implementation of the reinforcement, It will be taken into account “if people are beneficiaries of any unemployment benefit or social program, whether granted by the National Government, the Provinces, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires or the Municipalities”is detailed in another paragraph of decree 758.
The amount to be paid It will be $45,000 to be made in two payments of $22,500 each, between November and December of this year..
The reinforcement must be requested before the Anses, which will have the information exchange mechanisms necessary for the accreditation of the established requirements.
The requirements
The conditions to access the reinforcement are to be between 18 and 65 years old, to be in a situation of economic and patrimonial vulnerability, to complete the application, not to receive formal income or be in a dependency relationship, nor to be the holder of retirement, pensions, plans, programs or social security benefits, among others.
The decision to implement a food reinforcement is in line with the provisions of the Export Increase Fund created on September 5 through decree 576/22, in which article 9 stated that the objectives of this initiative were “to finance a extraordinary non-contributory monetary policy of national scope” as well as “programs that stimulate the production and development of small and medium-sized producers and regional economies”.
In the case of the monetary benefit, the purpose is to ensure “adequate food for people in situations of extreme vulnerability,” it was stated in the September decree.
The President ordered the creation of the food booster before leaving for the Paris Forum and the G-20 summit in Baliby signing three decrees -among them 758- that also establish the extension of the ordinary sessions of Congress and the splitting of the increase in the value of prepaid with a new formula.