Home South AmericaParaguay Federico Enciso; “Young people should get involved in politics”

Federico Enciso; “Young people should get involved in politics”

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 Federico Enciso; “Young people should get involved in politics”

Federico Enciso, a 26-year-old economics student, is running for deputy for Asunción, for the Concertación. He claims that he always liked politics from a very young age. “I always related to young people who had the same motivations. But this hastened the pandemic since we noticed that the leaders were absent. That’s where we said we should go in,” he said.

Enciso is part of the Liberal Party (PLRA), since it coincides with liberalism. He also said that he wants to lead important and far-reaching changes in the country. “The message to young people is that if we do not get involved in active participation in decision-making, then we cannot say that we were not told, we have to get involved in order to achieve those changes, we are the generation that will remain,” emphasized.

1. What is your main character trait?

Determination and reconciliation.

2. What quality do you appreciate most in a man?

The sincerity

3. And in a woman?

The sincerity

4. What do you expect from your friends?

The loyalty

5. Your main flaw?

my anger

6. Your favorite occupation?


7. Your ideal of happiness?

General well-being.

8. What would be your greatest misfortune?

Despair and resignation.

9. What would you like to be?

I would like to lead important changes in society.

10. In which country would you like to live?


11. Your favorite color?


12. The flower that you like the most?


13. The bird you prefer?

Taguato ruvicha (greater harpy).

14. Your favorite authors in prose?

Mario Benedetti

15. Your poets?

Mario Benedetti

16. A fictional hero?


17. A heroine?

Wonder Woman

18. Your favorite musician?

What in

19. Your favorite painter?

Leonardo da Vinci

20. Your real life hero?

Nelson Mandela (former president of South Africa).

21. Your favorite name?

Sofia because it refers to wisdom.

22. What other people’s habit can’t you stand?

Dirt, lack of cleanliness.

23. What do you hate the most?

indifference to reality.

24. A historical figure that makes you feel bad?

Alfredo Stroessner.

25. A feat of arms that you admire?

The Soviet victory over the Nazis (May 9, 1945 during World War II).

26. What virtue would you like to possess?


27. How would you like to die?

Made in old age.

28. What is the most common state of your mood?


29. What defects inspire you the most indulgence?

The ignorance.

30. Do you have a maxim?

“I am the master of my destiny and I am the captain of my soul”, Nelson Mandela.


Full name: Federico Ricardo Enciso Alfonso.

Place of birth: Asuncion, Las Mercedes neighborhood.

Date of Birth: December 21, 1995 (26).

Place of primary, secondary and university studies: Primary at the Tomasa Ferreira Meza school in San Lorenzo, secondary at the Escuela Comercio Number 1. University students studying economics at the Católica in the first year. He is also a technician in childhood and adolescence by Codeni.

Family: Single. He lives with his mother.

Positions held in the public function: Codeni official, promoter of childhood and adolescence.

Hobbies: Dancing.

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