The Federal Police (PF) executed 55 search and seizure warrants today (29) in the municipalities of Guarujá, Santos, São Vicente, São Bernardo do Campo, Carapicuíba, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo and Brazópolis (MG), to deepen investigations that investigate fraud in hiring in the areas of health and education, carried out by the city hall of Guarujá, in Baixada Santista.
The action is part of the second phase of Operation Nacar and was carried out jointly with the Federal Comptroller General (CGU) and the Federal Audit Court (TCU). “The investigation aims to combat possible crimes of corruption, embezzlement of public resources and other related crimes, involving federal funds”, said the PF.
According to the information, among the measures determined by the Federal Court are the blocking of more than R$ 110 million of assets and values of those involved, in addition to the removal of occupants of commissioned and elective positions from their functions.
Those investigated can be held accountable for crimes of embezzlement, active and passive corruption, bidding fraud, criminal organization and money laundering. The sentences, if added together, can range from 12 to 46 years.