The Federal Police (PF) and the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) launched today (23) the Imhotep operation, aimed at “investigating a corruption scheme and fraud in agreements with several municipalities in Roraima”. Among the investigated cities is the state capital, Boa Vista. According to the police, the irregularities would have been practiced between 2012 and 2017.
By determination of the 4th Federal Criminal Court of the Federal Justice, in Roraima, 22 search and seizure warrants are being fulfilled in Roraima, São Paulo and in the Federal District.
According to the PF, the investigation was initiated after the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) identified, through a Knowledge Production Report, the main recipients of resources from the Calha Norte Program, in Roraima.
“The investigations found evidence of the existence of a criminal organization that would defraud procedures for signing agreements with city halls in the state between the years 2012 and 2017, especially with the municipality of Boa Vista”, said, in a note, the Federal Police.
tuition fees
According to investigators, three engineering companies would have paid bribes that would be “distributed to public servants who would help in the commission of crimes and to a former senator who would have participated in the scheme”. The former parliamentarian would have received resources through family members and companies in which they are partners.
“There are indications that the former senator would interfere in matters related to agreements in which there was the application of federal funds made possible by him, with evidence, including, of the blocking of payments of funds arising from parliamentary amendments of his authorship if there was no payment of bribes”, detailed the PF.
The suspected companies would have executed more than BRL 500 million in agreements during the period, of which at least BRL 15 million would be related to the payment of bribes.
For investigators, suspects can answer for crimes of fraud in bidding, active and passive corruption, money laundering and criminal organization. The total sum of penalties can exceed 35 years of imprisonment.