The Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh) denounces the confinement conditions in which the priest Uriel Vallejos of the Niño Jesús de Praga parish chapel and a group of parishioners find themselves, who for two days have been under siege by the Nicaraguan Police. Matagalpa.
“They have no electricity, they hardly have any food anymore and they are surrounded by armed police. What does the Ortega-Murillo regime want? Let them starve to death? Today more than ever we must respond to Father Uriel’s call “don’t leave me alone””, denounced the defense organization through its social networks.
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Father Vallejos has kept the population informed through his Twitter account, in which he shows that he has not slept and his food is scarce. He also reported that due to the police siege in the facilities of the chapel and parish house, classes were suspended at the San Luis Gonzaga school, Sébaco, until further notice.
According to images released by the Divina Misericordia parish, where the bells ring as a warning signal, dozens of parishioners came to the place to defend the facilities and equipment of Radio Católica, who were repelled by the police with shots in the air and tear gas. It is unknown if the police intend to arrest him.
In this new attack by the Daniel Ortega regime against the Catholic Church, several injuries were reported, including an older adult with an injury to his left eye.
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The Ortega-Murillo dictatorship, through the Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Post Office (Telcor), ordered the closure of five more stations that were in charge of the Diocese of Matagalpa, directed by Monsignor Rolando Álvarez, one of the bishops persecuted by the regime. from Nicaragua.
Radio Hermanos, Radio Stereo Fatima, in Rancho Grande; Radio Our Lady of Lourdes, from La Dalia; Radio Alliens, from San Dionisio; Radio Monte Carmelo, from Río Blanco; and Radio San José, were the six stations annihilated. That same day, the regime also illegally entered the Infant Jesus of Prague chapel, which is adjacent to the Divina Misericordia parish house where Father Uriel Vallejos was staying.