In recent days, the case of a homicide has caused quite a stir on social networks. Although this type of case occurs every day in all countries, this has had a lot of resonancer the motives that would have led one man to murder another.
The situation arose in San Miguel, Argentina, and what happened was that a 42-year-old man died of three shots after another shot him at point-blank range after yelling at him: “You raped my daughter.”
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The subject who shot was quickly arrested by the authorities and a 22-caliber revolver with which he perpetrated this murder was seized. The father who is now in prison said he was not sorry.
The crime was the consequence of a dispute that began seven days ago, when the father, now imprisoned, rebuked the defendant: “You raped my daughter” he told him and shot him.
Although the accused of abusing the minor did not die instantly, He died in the health center a few days later due to the seriousness of his injuries.
According to the medical report published by the Argentine media, the experts from the Scientific Police, upon reviewing the corpse, were able to determine that it had three accurate bullet wounds in the stomach and a fourth in the thorax.