The Air Force of Arequipa, Air Wing No. 3 will train its staff for a period of 11 months through the School of Operational Commands to give emergency response such as earthquakes, floods, considering the vulnerability of the region and the country.
Colonel FAP, Fabricio Chirinos Delgado, reported that the instruction will take place in the only command school that is in Lima and is the one located in the district The jewel, in the Vitor creek.
For a demonstration of the training, this October 19, the population of Arequipa will observe the overflight of aircraft. It will be an air show that can be seen from different points.
For his part, the largest FAP, José Alvarado, reported that in the Operational Command School prepare to respond in different scenarios of natural disasters, as well as the VRAEM and for this they form paramedics, automatic weapon fighters for transportation operations.
They also train as a special operator sniper on an aerial platform, i.e. inside the helicopter, basic skydiveramong others.