This new popular military police exercise will be executed with a superlative level in strategic, operational and tactical terms, Minister Padrino López explained in a statement.
The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (Fanb) reported that the first exercise will be held on January 22 and 23 Bolivarian Shield 2025 in defense of peace and democracy in the country.
Through a statement released this Monday by the sectoral vice president of Political Sovereignty, Security and Peace, Vladímir Padrino López, it was highlighted that Venezuela began this year “marked by the triumph of democracy and institutionality”, evidenced on January 10 with the inauguration of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, for the period 2025-2031.
“However, internal and external enemies, in their frustration, do not stop generating threats and attacks to cause anxiety and instability, but they will never succeed,” the text adds.
It was also specified that this new popular military police exercise will be carried out “with a superlative level in the strategic, operational and tactical aspects, optimizing in its different phases, the interoperability between organized people, military units and Citizen Security Bodies, deploying with greater synchronization multiple mixed weapons systems and Quick Reaction Units (URRA).
“In this way, operations will be put into practice that guarantee the military defense and internal order of the country, ensuring the functioning of basic services and the security of strategic installations, while we will make our cities and borders impregnable throughout space. national graph”, says the text.
In addition, the commitment to safeguard the dignity, freedom, sovereignty and independence of the homeland was ratified.