The Central Reserve Bank of Peru has put into circulation new banknotes to pay homage to important figures of our 20th century literature and history, such as Chabuca Grande, José Maria Arguedas, among others, and to our diverse flora and fauna. However, citizens across the country are still not familiar with these designs and fear that unscrupulous criminals will take advantage of the situation to implement new forms of fraud.
Given this, Banco Ripley’s fraud prevention experts provide recommendations to recognize the new banknotes, since each denomination has a unique character, animal and headband that changes color:
- All new banknotes have relief prints that can be felt by touch. Look for them in the legend “Central Reserve Bank of Peru”, in the character, in the denomination in numbers and letters and the register for the blind located on the left side edge.
- The new banknotes have the design in horizontal format on the front and vertical format on the back. In addition, they are printed on cotton and have the Same size as old bills.
LOOK: BCR puts S/ 20 and S/ 50 bills into circulation with new designs
- on the ticket $10 you will see Chabuca Granda, the vicuña and the Flor de Amancaes, her headband changes violet to bronze and shows motion effects.
- on the ticket $20 you will see José María Arguedas, the condor and the Flor de la Cantuta; and his headband changes from green to blue
- on the ticket $50 you will see María Rostworowski, the jaguar and Puya Raimondi and her headband changes gold to green, showing motion effects.
- on the ticket S/100 you will see Pedro Paulet, the Spatula-tailed Hummingbird and the Phragmipedium kovachii orchid. Your headband changes fuchsia to green, also showing motion effects.
In this way, Banco Ripley reaffirms its commitment to the safety of its customers, consolidating the tips and advice to identify a real bill and avoid falling into a fraud mode.