Faculty of Medical Sciences awarded for a total value of G. 2,939,450,000 to the Call for Tenders No. 416,440 for the Acquisition of Medical Equipment for the Hospital de Clínicas. For this tender, offers began to be received on Monday, August 29, 2022.
In the tender that is within the category Medical and Laboratory Equipment, Products and Instruments. Health Assistance Services 8 companies were benefited. The procedure implemented to carry out the call for bids was National Public Bidding.
The call was presented by 15 companies, of which 8 of them were ultimately suppliers of said tender.
- Lcm Limited Company represented by Carlos Clari, Lucas Clari and Luciano Ortellado for a value of G. 1,545,600,000 with a participation of 52.58% of the total awarded.
- Saci Albatross represented by Rolf Walter Thiede Friesen and Paul Matthias Thiede Dichtl for a value of G. 636,000,000 with a participation of 21.64% of the total awarded.
- Mare Paraguay S.A. represented by Ricardo Hugo Morel Frigerio and Sar Morel for a value of G. 430,900,000 with a participation of 14.66% of the total awarded.
- High Technologies Limited Company represented by Marcos Antoliano Marín Rojas and Lauro Britez for a value of G. 184,000,000 with a participation of 6.26% of the total awarded.
- Chaco International S.A. represented by Carmen Stella Escobar Barriocanal for a value of G. 64,500,000 with a participation of 2.19% of the total awarded.
- Dysa Healthcare S.A. represented by Ricardo Hellmers Fonseca, Ricardo Hellmers Llano, Juan Gabriel Appleyard and Luis Pettengil for a value of G. 49,950,000 with a participation of 1.7% of the total awarded.
- Index SACI represented by Ernesto Wasmosy, Dora S Schmidt de Wasmosy, Ernesto Wasmosy, Karin Wasmosy de Bosmans, Viviana Caballero and Lidia Anoni Paredes for a value of G. 15,300,000 with a participation of 0.52% of the total awarded.
- Argon SRL represented by Carlos Roberto González, Oscar Felix Garcete, Nora Elizabeth Pedrozo and Gumercindo Pedrozo Rodríguez for a value of G. 13,200,000 with a participation of 0.45% of the total awarded.
- Bioerix SA
- Catheters and Related SA
- Dezeta SA
- Edison SRL
- Imese SA
- Professional Electromedical Service SA (Sempro)
- Solumedic SA
Source: DNCP