I want to understand politicians (although my psychologist is the only one who benefits). I want to understand them because the present and future of our society is in their hands. They are the chosen ones. They are called to provide the opportunities that citizens demand. However, the latest twists have further increased the disbelief that rests on them. What happened first in the Departmental Legislative Assembly and then in the Municipal Council has surprised more than one. What motivates these very personal confrontations and accusations?
From the unit order They jumped, in a matter of days, to the fragmentation of benches. The happy group photos dissolved into meaningless fights that bog down each session. Cries of helplessness in some and arrogance in others. All of them, that never fails, claim to be the maximum representation of the people “whom they serve with dedication and unique dedication.” If they knew the real needs of the people, the “honorable” ones would surely feel ashamed.
They talk about principles, they discuss advances. Not even the most seasoned weather forecasters are able to notice these sudden stormy changes. Traitor! They sing bravely if the agreements leave them on the sidelines. They soften their voice and clarify the adjective when alliances favor them. So they are renovators. Of course, they all become loyal friends when they join the electoral lists that will allow them to perpetuate themselves, for one more period, in the Olympus of the privileged.