A man managed to enter a public institution to develop his skills and abilities. His resume showed that he had experience and that, in recent years, he had been linked to his area of performance, so it could be concluded that he could perform with solvency. However, they passed
months and up to two years without seeing the effective result of the promises he had made. The employer of the one who does not show results, of the mayor, is the citizen of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, who voted for the expectations generated in an electoral campaign loaded with offers.
Two years after having entered as mayor, The authority said that it is just beginning to work. He blamed the mess in which the Mayor’s Office was left after the administration of Angélica Sosa and other problems (of course beyond his control). The result of inaction is the current state of the city: dirty, with markets at every step, with chaos in the streets and avenues because there is no traffic regulation and a long list of problems that should not exist. Not in a city that manages more than a million Bolivians a day, that has millions of inhabitants and that demands solutions for yesterday.
The citizens, who are the ones who pay the salary to the server that just started working, they must be upset. The truth is that this population has
needs and deserves that they be attended to, because any employer expects an efficient and dedicated performance from the one to whom he entrusts tasks and responsibilities.