For tennis lovers, this Sunday Wimbledon offers a movie final. Six-time tournament winner Novak Djokovic will seek his 21st Grand Slam against controversial Australian star Nick Kirgyos. Following Rafael Nadal’s injury, the Canberra-born man reached a Grand Final for the first time. The Serb, who is reaching his 32nd Grand Slam final, declared that there will be “emotional fireworks”. It is not for less, both are great actors (simulators) and the emotional part could be decisive. Whoever is best in the head will be able to take advantage at key moments. It is paradoxical that, despite the great difference in titles and achievements between one and the other, Djokovic was never able to win a set against him in the two matches that both have played. What is guaranteed is a very high level of tennis, of course, the best in the world, two giants in action on English grass.
The fifth wave keeps rising and that is why the new meeting of the Departmental Emergency Operating Committee (COED) has made important decisions. Reinforce vaccination in all health centers, increase testing, emphasize vaccination in the student population, commit citizens to receive the complete vaccination schedule (three doses), measures that add to the protocols of biosecurity that are being lost. In Santa Cruz yesterday there were more than 900 infections and in the country the figure was around 2,700. New data that makes us understand that the pandemic is not over, now we learn to live with the virus.