During the last weekend it was learned of two land seizures in the Guarayos province. They are not the first, since for at least three years it has been reported that armed criminal organizations enter the properties to harvest the production and steal machinery. Three years passed and they continued to act with impunity.
The last two assaults They occurred on the San Fernando and Santa Rita properties, 10 kilometers from each other. Armed people broke in with violence, attacked the caretakers, stole machinery and tried to take possession of the crops in the area. They carried M1 carbines, which are military weapons that were used in World War II and also in the Vietnam War.
When Las Londras happened An investigation was launched, but the results are unknown. The ringleaders of the attackers were identified, but the case is now unpunished.
Without a doubt, land invasions private companies generate legal uncertainty and businessmen question their investments if there is a risk that they will be lost in the theft of crops and machinery. This endangers food security.