Where does Fabiola Rojas come from?
Fabiola Rojas is from Tacna, I was born here in Tacna, I have studied my primary and secondary school at the Corazón de María school, I did my professional life at the Private University of Tacna in law and political science. What encouraged her to run for mayor?
I have had this project since I was 18 years old, at that time I was president of a study circle at the UPT in which I was invited as the leader of a political party that was “la velita”, for which I realized that through politics we can help and make real change for Tacna, that was a constant struggle since I was 18 years old and every four years I participated in these campaigns.
Do you have experience in any public office?
I am currently president of the Blue Heart Association, which is made up of parents of children with autistic conditions, I have experience in public administration and management, the association created it because my seven-year-old son has autistic conditions, my goal was to raise awareness among society, that is more empathic and knows the subject of the autistic condition, I realized that there were hundreds of families.
What do you consider to be the main ones in Tacna?
I believe that many authorities that have gone through various administrations have not addressed the immediate problems of the population such as insecurity, issues of trade, transportation, health, they are very important, the issue of cleanliness, solid waste, so I think that for We who live here in Tacna feel the real change in our city, we have to start from there.
What would you do from the municipality?
In security, we are proposing the implementation of cameras with facial recognition since we have few cameras and some are obsolete, also respecting the regulations approved in August, the municipal serenazgo law, ensuring that everyone is trained and has the required implementation as vehicles. , motorcycles and bicycles, to take care of the environment, to guarantee that they fulfill their function 100%.
There are many complaints about the state of the roads
What we are proposing is constant maintenance, there are very neglected areas such as La Natividad, the tracks are damaged, neglected and abandoned, as well as Industrial Avenue, Leoncio Prado, where improvements are just being made but not 100%, also we have roads in the center in poor condition and being fenced off, so definitely occupying a municipal position we bet on improving the decoration to see it clean and tidy because for the transportation issue it is important.
In terms of housing there are problems in Promuvi
It is unfortunate that a housing program is created without basic services because they are not given the conditions to live, although it is true we need to support the population but we also have to give them basic services, people are not animals, this is what It has failed in these programs, because they are forced to live, according to the PROMUVI regulations they have to be in consolidated possession, so many professionals continue to live rented or with their parents and do not have decent housing.
We are less than 20 days away, what would you say to the population?
Let’s be aware before voting, I think we’ve already gone through a lot how to be wrong again, we need an authority with the knowledge and capacity, we have to have an authority that is really up to the task and that can manage the projects, in the municipality we have a library of projects but what is the point if we don’t execute them, I only ask the population to be aware and bet on a woman this October 2nd.