
FA recognizes "chronic problem" with the interior and is forced to "place" local issues on your agenda

FA recognizes “chronic problem” with the interior and is forced to “place” local issues on its agenda

FA recognizes "chronic problem" with the interior and is forced to "place" local issues on your agenda

FA recognizes "chronic problem" with the interior and is forced to "place" local issues on your agenda


On the left they admit an “uneven development” of the political force in the country, “with a marked organizational weakness, as well as a quantitative weakness in the interior of the country and in rural areas”

Facade of the Footprint of Seregni

Reading time:

May 27, 2022 at 05:04

The self-criticism in the Broad Front regarding its ability to connect with the interior is not new and has besieged almost all its historical leaders. The last three electoral images –the 2019 ballot, the 2020 departmental and municipal ones, and the March referendum– ratified a map almost entirely painted in alien colors, except for the historic bastions of Montevideo and Canelones, and the pushes from the left in the coastline.

FA recognizes "chronic problem" with the interior and is forced to "place" local issues on your agenda EXCLUSIVE CONTENT Member

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FA recognizes "chronic problem" with the interior and is forced to "place" local issues on your agenda

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