The senator for the Broad Front, Enrique Rubio, announced that the party’s Senators’ Bench, given the increase in homicides in recent days, will seek to convene a General Commission regime to discuss the issue and convene the Minister of the Interior, Luis Eber.
Weeks ago, the members of the Security and Coexistence Commission of the Chamber of Senators reached an agreement to summon the minister due to the current situation facing the country in cases of homicides or situations of violence. Given the alarming figures of recent days, the Bank will propose taking a “broader instrument” to discuss the issue. It will also seek the possibility of generating a General Commission so that Heber can explain the situation.
Rubio explained that these figures caused anxiety in society and “it seemed to us that we would have to look for a broader parliamentary instrument.” Given this, they decided to propose to the government bench to make a general commission for that purpose, summoning the minister.
This call would be made not next week because the Bancada is going to be concentrated on May 20, but the following week.
Senator Liliam Kechichian will be the one to present what was proposed to the ruling party because, in her opinion, “the evolution of events warrants it.”
different times
“I think there is a new circumstance because the previous period was very focused on the referendum. Both from us and from the government and most of the country’s politics. We now enter a different time and there are issues that they had not been considering », he added.
Faced with the explanations that tend to be said about clashes between gangs, he expressed that “it is an explanation that must first be verified if it is verified. Secondly, if it were so, it is even more worrying because then it is indicating that drug trafficking and its effects are in a present domain of the territory », he concluded.