The Defender of Children, Patricia Munozreferred to the extension of the winter vacation for schoolchildren, describing the way in which the Government worked and coordinated the measure as an “error”.
Given the increase in the circulation of respiratory viruses and the occupation of pediatric ICU beds, the Executive decided to bring forward the winter holidays between the regions of Arica and Parinacota and Los Lagos. Thus, the last day of classes for the first semester will be Wednesday, June 29, while students will return to class on Monday, July 25.
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“Let’s not forget that in Chile we have more than 132,000 children and adolescents outside the school system, which is also leading to a much higher risk of creating more spaces of exclusion, due to the pandemic,” he said. Muñoz in conversation with the program “Estado Nacional” of TVN.
Regarding the extension of the vacations, he stated that “I think it was a mistake in how work was done, in how it was coordinated, in how the challenge of being able to link them to the educational space was looked at, because the school is not only that they learn mathematics ”.
The Ombudsman for Children also addressed the statements of the Teachers’ Association, who questioned that the educational facilities should be open during the extension week, pointing out that “we are not a nursery”, said the president of the union, Carlos Diaz Marchant.
Regarding these statements, Muñoz indicated that “they are not nurseries, but the school is a space in which children develop and generate bonding processes that are central to their development.”
“I would hope that the College of Teachers would begin once and for all to behave in accordance with the best interests of children and adolescents rather than with a union logic, which I think does not collaborate with what we need,” he snapped.