Within the solution Vial of 14 lanes that since 2022 the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) Build in kilometer 9 Three are built from the Duarte Highway Walls To divide the six lanes express, three that circulate from Cibao to the city and three in the opposite direction, which will now be separated from the eight lanes of the traffic local.
These Walls They will prevent drivers who stop to leave passengers join the tracks You express on the high and, who choose to circulate through the high one will not be able to leave it, coming from the Cibao, until after the Núñez de Cáceres.
The authorities They contemplate modifications if necessary to make the circulation of the more than 150,000 vehicles They converge in the place daily. The road communicates 60 % of the Dominican populationaccording to studies conducted for the work.
Specifically, the stretch of the 14 lanes will be divided by three Walls: six that will continue to be lanes Express as until now, four for the traffic local, in the southern part, and four in the north of the road. The drivers that transit from the Cibao region they can enter the National District in the current express route and when they reach the kilometer 9 Continue for this.
In turn, vehicles that travel through the four lanes of the traffic Local, also coming from the northern zone, they can turn in the clover to Luperón Avenue.
If these drivers They want to incorporate into express They must do it after the elevated of the Núñez de Cáceres where there is currently entry and exit of the express.
The same will happen in address East-West, the drivers They will travel through the three lanes express and, around 200 meters, from the decrease in the elevated of the Núñez de Cáceresthere will be entry and exit.
Onéximo GonzálezGeneral Advisor of the Minister of Public worksexplained that the project continues in development and that “changes of changes and restructuring“
“We have studied until street Doctor defilled, on the Duarte highway and even the entrance of Managuayabo. All studies were done and traffic is projected to 10 years. “
Said the intervention of kilometer 9 Take into account the pressure generated by 1,400 vehicles that travel through the street Isabel Aguiar and the 1,750 that converge from Los Alcarrizos.