Havana/The Communist Party of Cuba announced on Saturday the expulsion of two of its senior officials in the province of Cienfuegos, José López Zuñet, member of the Executive Bureau, and Mayré Fornaris Soriano, first secretary. This is the first dismissals in 2025, after a fertile year in dismissals, which reached the highest level of the political apparatus, such as the Minister of Economy away from Gil and the vice prime minister José Luis Perdomo.
He Successful statementpublished by the local radio station Radio Ciudad del Mar, alleges that López Zuñet had presented “attitude problems for tasks assigned to him”, while Fornaris Soriano made “mistakes” in the “fulfillment of his functions, which affected the control to different processes of political organization ”.
Both paintings, without greater explanation, were not only “separated” from their positions, but of the ranks of the Communist Party. The other state media also did not contribute more details about the concrete reasons that led the single party to take such drastic measures.
Instead of Fornaris Soriano, Maykel Betancourt Dueñas “was chosen to direct the work of the party in that territory”
Instead of Fornaris Soriano, Maykel Betancourt Dueñas was chosen “to direct the work of the party in that territory,” concludes the text.
Exactly one year ago, in February 2024, Cienfuegos knew the dismissal of another first secretary of the PCC. Marydé Fernández López was “released” from office and instead located Armando Carranza Valladares, a veterinarian who worked in the Provincial Bureau.
At the meeting to report his dismissal, the secretary of the Central Committee of the PCC, Roberto Morales Ojeda, said “his personal qualities and the results in the performance at the head of the organization”. He did not explain then the reasons for cessation and the official press just said that the official would be “promoted to new responsibilities.”
Two months later, Miguel Díaz-Canel approved the Cienfuegos governor cessationAlexandre Corona, who requested his resignation “by recognizing mistakes made in the exercise of his responsibility.” According to a brief statement made public by the official press, which did not detail what mistakes it was, Yolexis Rodríguez Armada, provincial vice -governor replaced it.
Two months later, Miguel Díaz-Canel approved the cessation of the governor of Cienfuegos, Alexandre Corona
In Miami International Airport, in Florida, the former first secretary of the PCC in Cienfuegos – He was in office for a decade, from 1993 to 2003–, Manuel Menéndez Castellanos. After accumulating merits on the island, where his political career and link with the regime led him to perform a substantial list of charges and receive distinctions, the official decided to spend his retirement in the United States, where he lives part of his family.
The case of Alejandro Gil, former Minister of Economy and Planning, at the beginning of 2024 triggered a wave of dismissals in several provinces that the party explained as an ordinary movement of cadres. The first secretaries of Holguín, Pinar del Río, Santiago de Cuba, Matanzas, Villa Clara, Ciego de Ávila, among others.
Then, at the end of October, the dismissal José Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, without more explanation that the decision had been made “at the proposal of the President of the Republic and prior approval of the political bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.”