Evo Morales: These are the 9 Bolivian citizens that Peru prohibited from entering

Evo Morales: These are the 9 Bolivian citizens that Peru prohibited from entering

The government of of the Bolivian ex-president and of eight of its operators who would have been deployed throughout the country to carry out proselytizing activities.

In addition to Morales, who is trying to promote his Runasur political project in Peruvian territory, Bolivian citizens with disabilities are Félix Cárdenas Aguilar, Cecilio Máximo Ilasaca Quispe, Isabel Ala Condori, Edgar Ramos Laura, Mario Mita Daza, Dionisio Núñez Tangara, Delina Chile Mamani and Francisca Alvarado Pinto.

Cárdenas Aguilar was Vice Minister of Decolonization during the Morales government; Ilasaca Quispe is the former coordinator of this vice ministry.

In October 2021, the Sunday Panorama He gave details of the presence of Isabel Ala Condori in Peru. She herself appeared in the report as a representative of the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) in Cusco, a party founded in 1987 by the former president of Bolivia.

LOOK: Why does Peru prohibit the entry of Evo Morales and eight other citizens?

Peru21 tried to communicate yesterday with Isabel Ala, but a woman who identified herself as her sister Marcia was the one who answered the call. According to her version, the MAS leader has lived in Bolivia since 2021.

Ramos Laura, meanwhile, is an ally of the MAS, was mayor of Achacachi and was denounced for corruption during his administration; Mita Daza, for his part, was a Bolivian deputy for the MAS.

Núñez Tangara is a cocalero leader linked to Evo Morales and was vice-minister of Coca in his country; Chile Mamani is a former member of the Northern Potosí Farmers Union Federation.

And Alvarado Pinto is a former partner of Morales and mother of Evaliz, daughter of the former president. In addition, she worked in the Bolivian diplomatic corps in Ecuador.


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