EU and Cofavic create project to protect human rights defenders in Venezuela

EU and Cofavic create project to protect human rights defenders in Venezuela

Through this project, Cofavic and the European Union seek to favor and guarantee the sustainability over time of an effective system of promotion, protection, technical training, and comprehensive assistance to human rights defenders in Venezuela.

This Tuesday, July 12, the European Union and the Committee of Relatives of Victims of the Caracazo (Cofavic) presented the project “initiative for the comprehensive and effective protection of human rights defenders in Venezuela”, as they made it known at a press conference that included the participation of representatives of both sectors and the Catholic Church.

This initiative seeks to promote the protection of human rights defenders at risk in the country, as well as to contribute to the advancement of these rights.

The presentation took place during a meeting between defenders, representatives of the diplomatic corps and the media, in addition, the head of the European Union delegation in Venezuela, Rafael Dochao Moreno, Cardinal Baltazar Porras, the president and co -founder of Cofavic, Liliana Ortega and the director of the Vicariate of Human Rights of the Archdiocese of Caracas, José Gregorio Guarenas.

As announced, the project will be developed over the next three years – between February 2022 and January 2025 – together with the World Organization Against Torture and Frontline Defenders, benefiting 2,000 human rights defenders and 200 civil society organizations. civil.

Through this project, the aim is to favor and guarantee the sustainability over time of an effective system of promotion, protection, technical training and comprehensive assistance to defenders in Venezuela. This includes actions to monitor job guarantees, legal and psychosocial support, training and urgent comprehensive assistance, based on international mechanisms and standards provided for in national and international legislation.

As the head of the European Union delegation, Rafael Dochao Moreno, pointed out, “support for human rights defenders is a traditional element of the EU’s foreign policy in this area, and we believe it is important to guarantee the security and protect the rights of defenders.

In addition, he stressed that this activity is also “a tribute to those people who risk everything every day to defend the fundamental rights of all of us.”

*Also read: Lawsuit against human rights defenders will not silence Provea or the Gumilla Center

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