The Social Health Security (Essalud) announced the immediate separation of the doctors responsible in the case of five patients affected after cataract surgeries performed on January 3 at Hospital III in Iquitos, Loreto region.
Three of the patients have lost their sight and two remain under observation, according to the official statement.
The institution reported that, after becoming aware of the alleged medical negligence, a Technical Committee was formed to investigate the case. This specialized group will issue a conclusive report in the coming days.
Likewise, Essalud assured that corrective measures are being implemented and that sanctions will be applied in accordance with current regulations. At the same time, a medical audit has been initiated to clarify the facts and determine responsibilities.
Regarding support for those affected and their families, Essalud indicated that it is providing comprehensive support that includes emotional support, continuous guidance and adequate conditions to guarantee the well-being of those involved during the medical care process.
“We reaffirm our commitment to the affected patients, who are receiving specialized and priority medical care at the Edgardo Rebagliati Martins National Hospital”the entity highlighted in its statement.