Ephemeris of February 22
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Ephemeris of February 22
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Cities on the northern border, the most competitive in the country: Imco
The cities of Mexico’s northern border are ranked as the most competitive in the country, that is, they have the greatest capacity to generate, attract and retain talent and investment. Among the
Jauja Airport: Work begins on the landing strip that will last 30 days
Newspaper Mail Editorial Updated 11/26/2024, 11:26 am The Peruvian Airports and Commercial Aviation Corporation SA (Corpac) announced that maintenance and recovery work will begin on the Jauja airport landing strip, work that
Abinader advocates dominicanizing labor without affecting safety
Santo Domingo.-President Luis Abinader assured that the Government, together with the private sector, must work to Dominicanize the workforce in all sectors, especially in construction and agriculture. “We have to walk, the
Nationalist who shot FA militants surrendered this Tuesday
According to the authorities, the man arrived at the scene in a white van with National Party flags and argued with Broad Front militants who were celebrating the victory of Yamandú Orsi.
They denounce the ban on visits to human rights activist Edward Ocariz in Tocuyito
Edward Ocariz is one of the more than 1,700 people arrested for the post-election protests. His sister said that the order, according to the guards’ explanation, came from the Ministry of Penitentiary