Carmen Valdiri, Andrea Valdiri’s mother, He expressed his disagreement about it.
“An invitation says a quota, it is understandable that it is a person, nobody treated her or her girlfriend badly, there is no need to invent. The most important thing is to learn that the next party you are invited to you have to look at how many seats you have, the rules are like this”
In addition to this inconvenience, Carmen was not silent and said that the businesswoman did not take the gift he had promised.
“I want to clarify another point, because they invent. A follower writes to me after the envelope was received from Epa they took it out. I was in charge of the envelopes and she never carried an envelope. You can ask the same EPA”.
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For their part, the Internet users did not let their comment escapeor about this episode, they even gave him a nickname “Tacañepa”. In addition, one of the reactions to this fact that has more than 1,700 ‘likes’ was: “She brought laundry and no gift?“.