Enrique Mendez
Newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday, November 1, 2022, p. 18
With the vote of Morena and its allies, the Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies approved the opinion in favor of the budget considered for the energy sector in 2023, which amounts to one trillion 415 thousand 671 million pesos – without cost of debt – and where a forecast of 47 thousand 234.5 million pesos is included as an equity contribution to Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).
These resources will allow them to strengthen their financial position and increase their assets, as well as achieve and maintain the country’s energy self-sufficiency.
highlighted the president of the commission, Manuel Rodríguez (Morena).
In turn, deputy Reginaldo Sandoval (PT), president of the Infrastructure Commission, stated that the budget project will continue with the historical investment that has been made since the beginning of the current government, in priority investment projects and for the rescue of the national energy sector.
The foregoing will allow the construction of the necessary infrastructure to detonate economic growth, promote economic reactivation, the internal market and employment.
he indicated.
In the opinion issued yesterday, it is explained that the Executive proposes to allocate 16 thousand 123 million pesos to continue with the rehabilitation plan of the six refineries that make up the National Refining System; with the construction of the refinery in Dos Bocas, Tabasco, as well as the operation of the Deer Park refinery, in Texas, which is now owned by the nation, for fiscal year 2023.
The energy sovereignty of the country would be guaranteed
An allocation of 438 thousand 126 million pesos in physical investment from Pemex is expected, to guarantee the energy sovereignty of the Republic, he explains.
For the commission, it is to be considered that, despite the complicated economic scenario, the government’s commitment to strengthen the energy sector budget continues, which undoubtedly reflects an inertial budget, understanding that the energy sector is a fundamental pillar of any economy and the Mexican economy is no exception
In addition, he stressed that next year’s budget has as its focus for Pemex to generate economic value and profitability for the Mexican State.
Structurally and programmatically, Pemex aims to develop business, economic, industrial and commercial activities in terms of its purpose, generating economic value and profitability, as well as acting in a transparent, honest, efficient manner, with a sense of fairness and social responsibility and environment, and seek to improve productivity to maximize the State’s oil income