This Monday (13) Brazilian students interested in entering higher education through the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) will finally know the results of the tests, which were carried out on the 3rd and 10th of November last year.
The Ministry of Education (MEC) and the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) will release the grades from 10 am (Brasília time). Afterwards, a press conference will bring more details about Enem’s main data.
Keeping an eye on Sisu
The grades can be used to enter higher education through the Unified Selection System (Sisu). To the Registration will begin on January 17th and can be done exclusively online, at Sisu’s email addressuntil 11:59 pm on January 21st.
According to the published notice by the Ministry of Education, the selection process will consist of a single stage. Candidates may apply for up to two vacancy options. The results of the regular call will be announced on January 26th.
Students who have completed high school, participated in the 2024 edition of Enem and have not completed the writing test are eligible to participate in the selection.
The Enem score is also important for candidates for the Student Financing Fund (Fies), which will have 112 thousand new vacancies in 2025. There will be, in total, 67 thousand in the first semester and 45 thousand in the second.
The program offers financing to students who want to pursue an undergraduate degree at private higher education institutions.
Scholarship Opportunity
Enem participants will also be able to use the results in the University for All Program (Prouni), which gives the Enem participant the chance to have access to a full or partial scholarship (50%) in private higher education institutions.
To enroll, the student must obtain at least 450 points on average in the five exam tests and not complete the essay to zero.