On Monday night, several tourists who were staying at the Villa Huinid tourist complex, in Barilochewere surprised by an avalanche of mud and stones, after the heavy rains that were recorded in the area.
In the emergency that arose in the cityone person died, three were injured and two more remain missing, according to the authorities of Bariloche.
The complex that has two hotels and several cabins on the same property, between Bustillo and Pioneros avenues, 2.5 kilometers from downtown Barilochesuffered major damage, since the avalanche dragged pine trees over 30 meters high and debris.
The emergency was attended by the Police and firefighters, who reported that “The avalanche entered through the back of the hotel and part of the landslide entered through the first floor towards the ground floor.”
For its part, the undersecretary of Civil Protection of Bariloche, Patricia Díaz, reported that support was requested from the Federal Police to send search dogs to the scene of the disaster, since at least two people from Uruguay were missing.
Regarding the fatal victim, it was learned that he was a man, also from Uruguay, who was in the vacation resort with his family. For their part, the injured people were all women, including the wife of the deceased.
During the emergency, the mud entered the first floor of the hotel with force, so the other guests had to be evicted. The landslide appears to have started in a construction zone of the tourist complex.
What is known about the disappeared
The authorities of the city They confirmed that, next to the room where one person died and another was injured, a couple was dozing, whose whereabouts are unknown to date.
Although the tourists’ bedroom was completely covered in mud, the hotel owners do not rule out that the visitors were outside the facilities when the emergency occurred.