Social networks will have initially mocked the mandatory implementation of the electronic billing after the scandal in the television media. Even so, the news served to make the novelty visible and its importance in the business sector.
Through an emergency decree published in the Official Gazette El Peruano, the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat) indicated that as of June 1, electronic payment receipts (CPE) will definitively replace invoices, bills of sale and other physical receipts.
LOOK: Atento entrepreneur: What benefits does electronic invoicing bring?
What are the benefits for a company to decide to change virtuality? Renzo Leon-Velarde, general manager of perufactura.pea Lima Chamber of Commerce company focused on SMEs, points out the great advantages:
- Obtaining bank credits.– With Electronic Invoicing, companies will be able to support their financial growth before banking entities and thus obtain bank credits.
- Savings on printing and storage.- With the change, the company will be able to save on documentation and file storage by only being digital.
- Multifunctionality.- With the change, you can make an invoice from a laptop, a tablet or a cell phone.
- Security and legal validity.- Just as valid as a handwritten signature, and easier to verify if any document is original or adulterated.
- Availability.- An invoice or ticket can be made from anywhere, at any time of the day.
- Real time information.- The delivery or search of an invoice occurs instantly.
- Internet sales.- This facilitates online sales and greater accessibility for users.
To help in this I think On this page you can issue invoices, bills, referral guides, credit and debit notes electronically, validate them, send them to SUNAT and also to your customers. In addition, it generates the sales record, stock control and customer list. Thus, the company will not worry about acquiring or renewing digital certificates.