As of today (4), consumers in 24 cities in the state of São Paulo, including the capital of São Paulo, will pay more on their electricity bill. The adjustment, which was approved by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) at the end of last month, goes into effect as of today for the municipalities that are served by Enel Distribuição São Paulo (Enel SP), which serves around 7.6 million consumer units.
The average increase for the consumer will be 12.04%, with 18.03% for high voltage and 10.15% for low voltage. According to the company, low voltage consumers are mostly residential customers. Medium and high voltage customers are, in general, industries and large businesses.
According to Enel SP, the tariff readjustment is justified by the increase in inflation, sector charges and energy purchase costs during the water crisis last year.
Since April 16, the green flag has been in effect in Brazil, when there is no extra charge applied to the electricity bill.