The Electoral Court is already receiving the complaints and they are being processed, so that at any time the candidates will receive the edicts where they will be notified of the violation of the Electoral Code.
Despite the fact that many pre-candidates for the free candidacy seem to be in a political campaign, the reality is that we are in an electoral ban. This was reiterated by the Vice President of the Electoral Tribunal, Alfredo Juncá, when calling on these pre-candidates to comply with the rules of the electoral code.
The magistrate recalled that articles 50 and 51 of the General Elections Decree establish what the pre-candidates can and cannot do during this closed period. He said that advertising on social networks (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or other) cannot be paid for; much less make political propaganda through sweaters, caps, other badges that are given by the candidate. “You can’t give 500 people uniforms and go around saying that these are your activists, the activists must be duly registered or registered,” he said.
In addition, in the case of financing, funds can be received but badges such as those mentioned above cannot be given in exchange for these monies, since it would be seen as electoral propaganda, which is not allowed at this time.
Juncá warned that in the Electoral Court they are already receiving the complaints and they are being processed so that at any time, as happened in the last elections, the candidates will receive the edicts where they will be notified of the violation of the Electoral Code.
What most of the complaints are focused on two violations of the electoral code, the first that has to do with the electoral ban and the second with electoral financing.
He pointed out a specific case where a candidate delivers his campaign logo to a printing press and from there each person goes to that place and has sweaters and caps made with this logo, a situation that escapes the hands of candidate x, but he warned that this This situation is also not allowed since it would be disguising the distribution of the promotional article in a period in which it cannot be done and in the same way it would be evading political financing controls that must be proportional for all.