A professional group, Most of them economists and with experience in the Government, the private sector and academia, made public their support for the presidential candidate Alexander Gaviria.
(See: Meet the pre-candidates of the Team for Colombia coalition).
Gaviria is one of the candidates for the Hope Center Coalition and will participate in the interpartisan consultation of that movement next Sunday, March 13.
According to the group, Gaviria is the “best option to govern Colombia in these complex times“, well have academic career, has been a public servant and has the character for “promote the reforms that are required to achieve a society
more prosperous and less unequal“.
(See: Restrictions and other measures for the elections this Sunday).
“Alejandro has the will to overcome the polarization that has done so much damage to the country in recent years and unite Colombians around some basic agreements on how to achieve a fairer and more prosperous society.“, they added.
Between the professionals who made public their support for the candidate are: Roberto Angulo, Mónica Aparicio, Francisco Azuero, Felipe Barrera, Juan Felipe Bernal, Jorge Humberto Botero, Andrés Felipe Giraldo, Silvia Gómez Soler, Rudolf Hommes, Martha Lasprilla, José Leibovich, Eduardo Lora, Francisco Mejía, Jaime Millán, Jairo Núñez, Claudia Orozco, Jorge Restrepo, Pablo Roda, César Vallejo, Tito Yepes, Juan Gonzalo Zapata.
(See: These are some benefits of voting in Colombia).