On October 2 will be the Regional and Municipal Elections 2022 and the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) made the raffle for table members, and now enabled a web portal (https://consultaelectoral.onpe.gob.pe/.) that makes it easier for citizens to know if they were elected members of the table, holders or substitutes.
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They will only need to place their ID and that’s it. Likewise, the ONPE specified that this disclosure is preliminary in nature, given that the list is subject to redaction, established by the Organic Law of Elections. Precisely, the candidates and representatives of the political organizations, nor the officials and employees of the electoral organisms cannot be members of the voting table.
Neither the political authorities nor the citizens who make up the steering committees of the political organizations registered in the National Elections Jury, among other cases.
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Can I request exclusion if I am chosen as a member of the table?
You must bear in mind that the position of table member is inalienable; although there are exceptions such as cases of notorious or serious physical or mental impairment, the need to leave the country or be over 70 years of age; in addition to what is stated above.
Finally, the fine for not holding the post of polling station member is S/ 230, and polling station members who hold the post will receive financial compensation of S/ 120 for each election day (first and second election) in the elections.
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