The president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), Alexandre de Moraes, authorized the deployment of the Federal Force to reinforce security in 561 locations in 11 states during the first round of the 2022 Elections. Decisions must be endorsed by the TSE plenary.
According to the TSE, federal forces must act in 167 municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro. of January, as requested by the Regional Electoral Court (TRE-RJ). Maranhão requested support in 97 locations.
Security forces will also be sent to Acre, Alagoas, Amazonas, Ceará, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Pará, Piauí and Tocantins. Among the requests from the TREs of these states are logistical support, including on indigenous lands.
legal forecast
The TSE informed that the possibility of requesting assistance from the Federal Forces has been provided for in legislation since 1965. “Article 23, item XIV, of the Electoral Code (Law 4,737/1965) establishes that it is the TSE’s responsibility to “request the Federal Force necessary to comply with of the law, of its own decisions or of the decisions of the regional courts that so request, and to guarantee the voting and the counting”.
According to the rule provided for in the resolution, the TSE “may request support to guarantee the free exercise of the vote, the normality of voting and the verification of results. For that, the TREs must forward the request indicating the locations and the reasons that justify the need to reinforce security, with the consent of the Security Secretariat of the respective states”.
The TSE also informed that approved requests are forwarded to the Ministry of Defense, the body responsible for planning and executing the actions undertaken by the Armed Forces.
* With information from the Superior Electoral Court (TSE).