In the context of the Regional and Municipal Elections 2022, held on October 2, a total of 5,215 files of observed tally sheets were submitted to the Special Electoral Juries (JEE) by the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE).
A report from the General Secretariat of the National Elections Jury (JNE) details that 2,558 of these files refer to the district municipal election, 369 to the provincial municipal election, and 2,284 to the regional election.. Another four are in a damaged or lost situation.
After the elections last Sunday, the JEE are resolving these files, which are sent by the respective Decentralized Offices of Electoral Processes (ODPE) of the ONPE.
According to current regulations, it is the responsibility of the ODPE to identify the records observed, those that have contested votes or requests for annulment, and send them to the corresponding JEE for their respective pronouncement.
The report indicates that, until 1:55 p.m. on Thursday, October 6, 11 JEE resolved 100% of the procedural burden that corresponds to them regarding the minutes observed: Pomabamba, Yauyos, Puerto Inca, San Antonio de Putina, Canchis, Huancané, Leoncio Prado, Bolognesi, Caylloma, Pasco and Huánuco.
Among those with the highest procedural burden of records observed are Piura (256), Chiclayo (260), Callao (249), Trujillo (201), Arequipa (153), Coronel Portillo (147), West Lima 2 (145)Sullana (139), West Lima 3 (137)Maynas (136), Bagua (134), North Lima 1 (129)Huánuco (119) and Jaén (113).
The attention to these files allows the minutes that exceed the observations to enter the computation of results and the population knows as soon as possible the people who will become their authorities for the period 2023-2026.
On the other hand, the report informs that 152 requests for electoral nullity have been submitted to the JEE until the cutoff time (1:55 p.m. on October 6) in various constituencies of the country. Of these, 40 are from the electoral district or province, 105 from the polling station and seven from total nullity.