The Congress did not reach the votes to approve the bill that interprets numeral 4 of the ninth transitory provision of Law 31357, in order to guarantee political and citizen participation in the Regional and Municipal Elections to be held next October.
Congressman Alejandro Muñante (Popular Renovation) was in charge of sustaining the law proposalwhich was exonerated from the opinion process in the Constitution Commission, affirming that it is necessary to approve this interpretative law.
The initiative interpreted that the presentation of the lists of affiliates for the October elections, which have been presented by the political organizations until January 5, even if it had not been jointly or in a single moment, “are valid and must be admitted and registered in the Registry of Political Organizations (ROP)”.
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“Political organizations whose registration has been rejected for having presented electoral rolls at various times, must be admitted and registered in the Registry of Political Organizations of the National Elections Jury, for which purpose the electoral authority must set an exceptional term for the reception of the necessary documents and continue with the registration process.detailed.
The spokeswoman for Together for Peru, Ruth Luqueopposed the bill “because it tries to ignore the nature of res judicata in electoral matters”. “I could not give advantage to political parties that have not complied with the law”he referred.
Eduardo Salhuana (Alliance for Progress), supported the initiative, pointing out the need to guarantee the political participation of the country’s citizens. Your colleague Wilmar Elera Garcia (We are Peru), was against while Edgar Tello (Free Peru) announced their vote in favor.
After the fourth intermission requested by the president of the Constitution Commission, Patricia Juárez (Popular Force), the legislative initiative it only obtained 33 votes in favor, 44 against and 28 abstentions.