The democratic regression is evident. The counterweights in power have been gradually diluted, we have an Executive that concentrates more functions and powers every day, returning to the presidentialism of the golden age of the PRI. The Legislature is incapable of being a counterweight, because the presidential will is ominously obeyed, there is not even an intention to contradict the presidency in any way, on the contrary, its whims are fulfilled and quickly.
The party system has lost strength, although we still have six national political parties, the largest of which has the president as its absolute leader, two others are his faithful squires who do the dirty work. The opposition is not living its best moments, weakened after the crushing victory of June 2, and is seeking to recover the traces of what was left. The historic party of the left, of the democratic transition, was extinguished under the irons of its leadership, the one that was the hegemonic party lives under the yoke of its new leader who has clung to the only thing left of power, the remains of his party that is also on the way to extinction. The viable opposition rests on the other two, who with some stumbles are regrouping to see if they can manage to get back on track, based on a renewed vision of their leadership and through more vital leaderships, although it is difficult for them.
The elections were a simulation. Even before the electoral process had formally begun, the accumulation of irregularities was evident – early campaigns, use of public resources, constant interventions by the president and his colleagues – all of this under the protection of the tolerance of the electoral authority, whose motto seems to have been not to touch the ruling party with even a rose petal. Not only were sanctions or accusations avoided, but the electoral function was hindered so as not to reveal what we all already knew: the multiple irregularities. In the end, despite the hundreds or thousands of lawsuits and appeals that were filed, legal juggling prevented and justified the lack of integrity in the election.
Mexican democracy is clearly in decline. Mexico has the democratic levels of countries like Kenya and Mongolia, but we are below the democratic development of Guatemala or Honduras. This is evidenced by the V-Dem Democratic Development Index, which even refers to our country as an autocracy.