Utu Melo Norte with CGastronomy covered
The Melo Norte Technical School continues to receive inscriptions for its educational proposal of the year 2025.
In some of the courses, it is already being pre -registered in waiting lists due to the high demand that has been.
“We are starting the year with students attending the accompaniment period (APE). Everything has been developing normally. We are with a lot of movement in the institution because the kids are attending, they were notified in advance and each one is attending the time they should do it ” He held the Professor Karen Oviedo.
“A period of inscriptions for the courses that we are going to have for 2025 is open. There is availability of quotas for all EBI levels, that is 7th, 8th and 9th. There are still places therefore all those young people who have not yet decided and are at the age of doing can approach our institution because we have vacancies ” commented to The daily professional.
“In the case of the night shift, among other things we have the Rumbo Plan that allows us to finish basic cycle in 1 year we also have quotas for over 18 years” assured. “They make 1st, 2nd and 3rd basic cycle in a year” reported.
Waiting list
“In Baccalaureate we have the 1st year of gastronomy that we are already receiving interested in being part of the waiting lists because we complete the quotas” The director of the Melo Norte Technical School pointed out. “This proposal we pointed out to take advantage of the dining room we have was a total success. It is a very good course for which we already have teachers who are culminating from taking their hours in this February period ” broad. “Fortunately we are covering all the vacancies.”
He stressed that for the 1st year of gastronomy there are no quotas and that those interested should wait for some decoupling during the start of the classes.
There are places in administration and electricity
“For 1st Administration, 2nd and 3rd Administration that is equivalent to 4th, 5th and 6th we have vacancies” affirmed. “In the case of electricity, which would be a 5th year too. Those who have a approval 4th year can come and start at 5 ° because a leveling of the specialty workshop is made of the Baccalaureate ” Oviedo said.
He urged the inhabitants of the northern part of Melo to attend school to internalize the proposal. The institution remains with its doors open to the public from 7 to 23.50 hours. “We have a wide schedule and there are always people to inform. We ask them to get close so that they do not stay without studying ” invited.
Edilicias limitations are not an obstacle for Melo Norte Technical School to continue growing at a firm pace. “We have all the occupied spaces. In addition to night, during the year, we will have computer training: basic operator and advanced operator. For that we also have quotas ” The director said.
“These are short -term courses, specifically 3 months each, for which groups of 20 students are assembled” revealed.
Regarding the assignment of teaching hours, everything is going normally and all the vacancies that school have.
“In the case of 7th EBI and 1st year of high school, classes are scheduled to begin on Wednesday, March 5. On Thursday 6 as long as it will be time to start the courses for 2nd and 3rd ” He ended by saying Professor Karen Oviedo.