July 27, 2022, 10:19 AM
July 27, 2022, 10:19 AM
The Ministry of Education confirmed that On Monday, August 1, classes will resume in person throughout the country. This day there will be a meeting with health authorities and the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (Senamhi) to evaluate climate behavior and infections with Covid-19.
“Today we have a meeting with the Ministry of Health, Senamhi, the Ministry of Education to evaluate the infections that are increasing in the departments, as well as the fluctuation of temperatures, because On August 1, the return to face-to-face educational work begins in the nine departments”, said Bartolomé Puma, vice minister of Regular Education.
The data indicates that vaccination is progressing slowly. Among children from 5 to 11 years old, it reaches 69.9 percent and among adolescents from 12 to 17 years old, 55.9 percent.which is why extreme biosecurity measures are requested.
“What we have to apply are the biosafety protocols and measures, which were distributed to the directors of educational units and district directors, what must be given greater importance and incidence is the work of municipal governmentswhich must be prepared, have had to make corrections in terms of infrastructure in bathrooms, alcohol gel and in primers on the functions of the biosafety commissions, “said the authority.
The country registers an exponential growth in coronavirus cases in the last 11 weeksthe previous seven days with a rise of 38 percent, with 33,001 infected, the highest figure so far in the fifth wave.
“Participation is fundamental, from municipal governments, but also departmental ones, because they also manage hospitals, they work with the doctors, with the Headquarters and hospital directors of each municipalityso that house-to-house visits are made,” added the deputy minister in an interview with Bolivia TV.
The pedagogical break was extended twice and is currently in its fourth week. Other provisions also advance the suspension of school parades by August 6 and it is expected that the peak of infections will be reached between this and next week.